Nicole Swick, Owner, BTA Consulting


I am open-minded but decisive, with a commitment to compassion, integrity & results. I strive to develop mutually beneficial relationships, improve patient outcomes & workflows through LEAN principles, inspiring a culture of equality & empowerment.

No matter where Nicole has found herself in healthcare over the last 20 years, 2 facts remain constant: workflows related to employee productivity & patient outcomes need to be routinely overseen & no C-Suite leader has the time available to be the constant overseer...even when they notice genuine gaps or simply know something is not optimal in their gut.

She is a healthcare-based, LEAN Six Sigma professional, specializing in workflow analysis & restructuring, revenue savings & growth projects, as well as C-Suite data analysis & delivery. Improving patients’ access to the therapies, devices or tests they need to be well, get well, or simply have an improved quality of life, has been the end result of many of her endeavors. She is inspired by situations that begin with a leader saying, "We know IT would be incredible for [patients or our staff] but we have tried IT before & IT just can't be done." More often than not IT can be done...just not with a blueprint or a paper pathway alone...IT needs an unbiased, naturally curious human being to see it through.